Tuesday, November 2, 2010

small bows - $3

These are great for pulling back bangs, if you don’t like them quite as big, or for those with less hairJ!

flower bows - $5

All flowers can also be done in a variety of colors. Some include a dot pattern, some do not.

ribbon bows - $5

Here are some examples of the ribbon bows I’ve made. They too can be done in any color, larger or smaller than shown as well. Keep in mind - these are adorable on hats and head bands too!

hats - $10

Hats are all crochet hats and come in a variety of colors as well.

head bands - $7

Any bow shown on a head band or hat can be sold as a separate bow. For head band offerings I have thick crochet bands (as shown in the 3rd picture), medium crochet bands (4th and 6th picture), and small crochet bands (first one on the left in the top picture) , and sequence bands (5th picture). Head bands come in most every color.

bow hangers - $8

Shown below are wooden initials, a few different princess signs, metal letters, and glitter letters. Please specify which design you like best when you order. Many people have told me bedroom or bathroom colors to match to; feel free to send whatever you think would be helpful.

glitter letters - made out of foam - come in pink, green and purple

princess signs

metal letters

wooden initials

thanks for the idea nikki to add clips! clips can be added for hanging head bands and/or hats.